Losing and Finding My Way...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Exercise Anyone???

Someone posted this article on the WebMD page... I liked this paragraph:

So where do you start? If you want to maintain a physical exercise program indefinitely, you first need to make a higher connection with your mind and the overall workout experience. What stimulates you innately to want to stay fit? Once you’ve reassessed what really motivates you, then you can evaluate your fitness preferences with a fresh perspective. (for the full article, here is the link: http://articles.health.msn.com/id/100108346 )

Sooo... that must be my problem... I have not made that higher connection with my mind and I am therefore, not stimulted to stay fit!!! Okay, now on to (re-) assessing what really motivate me and what are my fitness preferences... hmm!

I am not making fun of the article nor the fact that my exercise routine is non-existant... I am just trying to make light of it is all. I really enjoyed the article and would recommend it; basically I have to find out, like I said before, what motivates me and then move on to exercise I will enjoy, will not be boring, and what I will get satisfaction out of!!! The artical in and of itself is kind of motivational...

Monday, August 29, 2005

So It's Monday...

Ugh. I have decided that I do not particularly care for Mondays... News?!? you say sarcastically... well for me, yes, it actually is. I usually love any day, it doesn't matter if it comes at the beginning of the week or at the end, but the last few Mondays have not been especially inspiring nor memorable for me. Ugh.

So I think this weekend went pretty well eating-wise. I didn't really overdo it anywhere that I can think of. I did eat quite a bit of pizza but I didn't eat much else so, granted it probably wasn't the best of choices food-wise, but in the whole caloric scheme of things I think it worked!

I am down a couple of more pounds but I am not making it official until my period is good and done!!! But I think it is looking like Onederland is on the horizon!! Yippee skippe :-)

I am also proud of myself because we went grocery shopping yesterday and I got so much fruit that I am set for the week... Today I had a yogurt for breakfast, I half a pear on my way into work, a salad for lunch and I have watermelon here at work and at home if I feel like snacking. I am not even hungry though... not sure yet what I am going to have for dinner tonight but hopefully it should be good.

One more thing, I was in the store looking at the Healthy Choice entrees because they were 50% off, now I am a die hard Lean Cuisine fan when it comes to healthy frozen meals and now I know why!! There wasn't nearly the assortment that Lean Cuisine has and Healthy Choice's entrees did not seem as healthy... maybe that is just my take on it but eww- I didn't buy any of them and figured I would wait for Lean Cuisine to come on sale again and then stock up!!!

Oh well, I am hoping to convince the fiance to head out on a walk with me this evening and get in some exercise that I have been so sorely lacking... good luck to me!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

Who lost 5 pounds?!?!

It's me!!! It's me!!!

I am totally pumped today because I got on the scale, more than once just to be sure, and found that, YES! it read I had lost 5 pounds. Well, it is about time I said to myself after too long of just feeling sorry and disappointed in and for myself for having gained back weight to begin with, this is no one's fault but my own. But today, sweet victory! LOL And I get to change my ticker...

Now it is on to the weekend... I am hoping I will be able to get out there and get some exercise in or something to get off some more of these pounds.

And I just thought of something else... it is a few days before that Time of the Month (TOM) and I am probably retaining water and weighing a few pounds more than my actual weigh... even better!!! And I have now also realized that I am only a few pounds into Onederland- duh duh duh- and then it is all down here from there baby. (Well maybe not quite all down hill but I will certainly be further along than I am now)!

On a side note: I am having a hack of a time trying to get my picture to post onto the blog... it is not an actual pic of me but still a pic I would like to have on my profile... ugh.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Chocolate For Breakfast?!?

So I got to work sometime before 6:30 (and this is with over an hour long commute) and so far this morning I have had a couple of pieces of Dove dark chocolates... mmm, they are so good but probably not the best choice a) for breakfast & b) for weight loss. Alas, they have made me happy though! I do have an apple with me and a yogurt for breakfast so I am in the midst of switching from the chocolate (which, in my opinion, is its own food group) to the healthier foods that I have neglected all morning!!!

I did okay with my eating yesterday but my willpower waned as the day went on and I ended up having some italian hoagie, a tootsie roll and a small cup of Pepsi... I just couldn't stop myself. But in my defense (sort of) I have declined an offer of doughnuts two days in a row... of course I am definitely more about the candy than I am baked goods, which could work for me or against me.

I am hoping to get outside and get some exercise in tonight as I know it will be gorgeous outside... oh yes! I will definitely get out there and get something done, not that I haven't just made a list of things I want to do when I get home, I neglected to include exercise and it just so happens that everything else I have to do I must physically be in my apartment to complete... oh such is life!

So my frame of mind today is that if all of these other folks can be successful at losing weight than I can too... right?!?!

I disappoint myself when I see folks on my weightloss board losing more weight than I have and they have started after me... of course they deserve it though because they have been working much harder for it than I; again, you can see where I disappoint myself. Hmm... something to ponder for the moment I suppose.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

First Things First

So I am finally getting to my first post and personally I think it is about time...

I don't know what I have been waiting for or why I am suddenly in the mood to post now but I suppose that is neither here nor there. I wrote on my WedMD chat today how discouraged I was feeling about my little weight loss endeavors... I mean my goodness, I started off so well at the beginning of the year and now... nada! As a matter of fact I am actually going backwards; so as of this week I am putting a halt to that!

Right now I would like to think that I am weighing in at around 210... it could very well be more than that but I am going with 210. When I first started this whole thing in January I was at 236, so yeah, I may be about 25 punds lighter but considering I lost that in the first 3 months I have really been slacking. I would like to be under 200 by my upcoming wedding... we shall see I suppose. That is my goal for now... it doesn't sound too difficult considering I have 2 months to go but I am also 8 months into my journey have only lost 25 pounds which equals about 3 pounds a month, so at this rate I would maybe be 6 pounds lighter by the wedding... Again, I want to be in Onderland by the end of October!!!

I am feeling pretty strong this week and excited about things but I also know that is going to be tough... I have some of the strongest cravings, especially when it comes chocolate- that would be my downfall!!!

I also have to work on getting some exercise into my routine... not only will it help with my weight loss progress but it will also help me feel better about myself and my body!!!

*** Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. ~Anais Nin