Losing and Finding My Way...

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Friday - Thank God!

So this will probably be a quick note as I don't have too much to report and I have other things to do *sigh*
I feel like I have been doing really well; I haven't had the bloat I am used to so my belly has slimmed down some. I weighed in on Wednesday at work because we started the new Biggest Loser Competition- Holiday Party and I had lost a full five pounds which was really exciting for me. I am hoping to see a loss again this coming week. I didn't get a chance to work out this week like I was hoping but have full intentions to start this coming week so I am looking forward to that as I don't think it can hurt. I know that losing five pounds in one week is not typical (I feel like a tag line in some dieting commercial) but it gets me motivated to lose more and actually think I could possibly be at least thirty pounds lighter by my company's holiday party! Which makes me happy and has me already looking online for a cute dress to wear (and that is so not like me).
Tomorrow the hubby and I are going to Hersheypark which I am really looking forward to. I love riding the rides and stuff and it will be great exercise walking all over the park so that's a plus too. I will probably weigh in on Monday to check in and then Wednesdays are what count in my world so I am hoping for a two pound loss... we will see what happens!!!



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