Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Thoughts for HUMP day

Ack. I know that I haven’t been perfect when it comes to my diet- at this point, screw calling it a lifestyle change… it is a diet until further notice (I am guessing once it starts becoming a habit, I will then call it a lifestyle change in progress). Holy damn moly, my weight is going no where, and I am sick and tired of seeing the numbers 253 – 260; it is so frustrating and I truly think I have no one to blame but myself. I haven’t been very active and I did eat chocolate covered raisins both Sunday and Monday evenings. I think I am pissed off at myself and I don’t know how to get myself out of this rut. I have noticed though, which in my opinion is a good thing, I have become more conscious of the food decisions I am making – like I am aware of the bad decisions I am making, I am aware of when I am being lazy and I am also aware when I am making good decisions like food portion sizes and so on.
I was RE-reading my PEOPLE article of the women who had lost 100 pounds or more and I looked down and my naked body of blubber and I thought, how can my body go from this to looking like that? Don’t get me wrong these women in the article were by no means perfect but the fact that their bodies were just as fat as mine is now and they looked lovely… no bellies hanging, no arms the size of some people’s calves or thighs the size of some people’s waists… I can’t wait for it to be me but again, I know that is up to me.
I think that it is amazing that a body can go through a transformation like that but I also think it is amazing- for lack of a better word- the amount of effort, time and energy that has to go into getting it to make that kind of transformation. Ultimately, I want to be proud of the way I look, have my husband be proud of the way I look, I want to be healthy and I want to have tons of energy to be able to enjoy my life… I am hoping that seeing those words and then actually feeling them will give me that motivation to get moving (that and Biggest Loser starts in a few weeks- yippee).

I think the quote below kind of sums up how I am feeling/thinking at the moment:

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer


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