Losing and Finding My Way...

Monday, August 27, 2007

Starting Over... Again.

I feeled compelled to write this right now, this morning... even though I know I have to get out of here sooner than later, I still have the little monster to get ready and then drop off at the sitter's and I am heading south. But here I am. I am starting over (again) this morning. I plan on tracking the food I eat and watching my portion sizes like a hawk. The lower card I can be the better, I think, but that doesn't necessarily mean I am cutting out all carbs or even necessarily doing it cold turkey- I am shooting for being carb smart. If that makes sense. I have been reading success stories online (one of my fave pasttimes) and seeing the before and after pictures... I want my own before and after picture. Our holiday party is December 14th and I would like to lose anywhere between 30 and 40 pounds by then which gives me a little over 3 and a half months. I feel committed this morning- like losing the weight will make me different... I want the energy that a lighter, more in shape and healthier body can give me- I am tired of feeling like a slug. I want to be able to run around with my baby and actually look forward to hikes with my husband. And honestly, I am so tired of seeing my big old belly pooching out it is making me sick. (I will get more into how this fat body is making me feel in a different post). Anyway, I have set my first big goal to have at least 30 pounds gone by December 14th; this morning I weighed in and am 259.2 - ugh. My first mini goal will be my birthday- October 10th- and I would like to have lost 10-15 pounds... which will put me under 250 :)
And yes, now I have to go get the monster ready to go... yippee skippee it is Monday... blegh.



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