Losing and Finding My Way...

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

First Things First

So I am finally getting to my first post and personally I think it is about time...

I don't know what I have been waiting for or why I am suddenly in the mood to post now but I suppose that is neither here nor there. I wrote on my WedMD chat today how discouraged I was feeling about my little weight loss endeavors... I mean my goodness, I started off so well at the beginning of the year and now... nada! As a matter of fact I am actually going backwards; so as of this week I am putting a halt to that!

Right now I would like to think that I am weighing in at around 210... it could very well be more than that but I am going with 210. When I first started this whole thing in January I was at 236, so yeah, I may be about 25 punds lighter but considering I lost that in the first 3 months I have really been slacking. I would like to be under 200 by my upcoming wedding... we shall see I suppose. That is my goal for now... it doesn't sound too difficult considering I have 2 months to go but I am also 8 months into my journey have only lost 25 pounds which equals about 3 pounds a month, so at this rate I would maybe be 6 pounds lighter by the wedding... Again, I want to be in Onderland by the end of October!!!

I am feeling pretty strong this week and excited about things but I also know that is going to be tough... I have some of the strongest cravings, especially when it comes chocolate- that would be my downfall!!!

I also have to work on getting some exercise into my routine... not only will it help with my weight loss progress but it will also help me feel better about myself and my body!!!

*** Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. ~Anais Nin


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