Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HUMP day

I weighed in this morning, 256, which sucks but I am responsible for my losses and gains and I know I haven't been concentrating. It is so bad that I get so motivated and then after a week at most, I get lazy... and then I get really lazy and I don't care, which means things get worse. Blegh.
I had to stop in the grocery store on my way home today to buy some sour cream for the tacos we were having for dinner; well I also wanted something salty and decided on potato chips- bad decision #1; they only had the big bags, which I got- bad decision #2; I ate and ate in the car on my way to pick up the monster- bad decision #3. Now I just feel like barfing not only because my stomach feels gross but also because I feel like it would make up for the fact that I ate it in the first place- I guess you would call that purge. Oh well, I only ate two small tacos which I guess is a good thing (even though I still feel like throwing up).
By the way, PastaQueen- my most favorite weight loss blog- has a wonderful post today on her blog... totally touched me.

Friday, September 14, 2007

It's Friday - Thank God!

So this will probably be a quick note as I don't have too much to report and I have other things to do *sigh*
I feel like I have been doing really well; I haven't had the bloat I am used to so my belly has slimmed down some. I weighed in on Wednesday at work because we started the new Biggest Loser Competition- Holiday Party and I had lost a full five pounds which was really exciting for me. I am hoping to see a loss again this coming week. I didn't get a chance to work out this week like I was hoping but have full intentions to start this coming week so I am looking forward to that as I don't think it can hurt. I know that losing five pounds in one week is not typical (I feel like a tag line in some dieting commercial) but it gets me motivated to lose more and actually think I could possibly be at least thirty pounds lighter by my company's holiday party! Which makes me happy and has me already looking online for a cute dress to wear (and that is so not like me).
Tomorrow the hubby and I are going to Hersheypark which I am really looking forward to. I love riding the rides and stuff and it will be great exercise walking all over the park so that's a plus too. I will probably weigh in on Monday to check in and then Wednesdays are what count in my world so I am hoping for a two pound loss... we will see what happens!!!


Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday Morning. 'Nuff Said.

I am trying to think about what I ate yesterday; I was so proud of myself for not getting a Milky Way when I was grocery shopping and then I ended up at the pharmacy and grocery store again that evening- tempted again. I always get myself something when I go to CVS but walked right down the candy aisle and NOTHING. Then at the grocery store, the Halloween candy is in full effect and I was so tempted to get a Kit Kat (or two, bad, I know). But I went to the deli to get what I needed and that was all she wrote- no more, no less. I had tomato soup and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner last night. I also had ice cream for dessert last night but it was Breyers Light Mint Chocolate Chip with some Hershey's chocolate syrup on top... it totally hit the spot and I didn't crave anything else.
I was also proud of myself- on Saturday morning I was craving (!!!) something to eat and didn't know what and I ended up having watermelon- yup, just watermelon :) So, all in all, I am making healthier conscious decisions- in my opinion- and paying more attention to when I am full...

How cute is this quote:
The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph! ~Marvin Phillips

Sunday, September 09, 2007


So I weighed in yesterday morning... I don't know why, but I just couldn't wait :) 254.2!!!! I was totally pumped; we even went hiking yesterday for an hour- in the 90 degree heat- and it made me feel even better. I had hot wings last night for dinner but I was okay with that because I didn't get all crazy with everything else- if that makes sense. My mind is right and I can tell because when I was at the grocery store today and considered getting a Milky Way candy bar as a snack for the ride home, I changed my mind and didn't consider it after that. And it felt good to turn it down, leave it in the store and I. Survived.
This week I am hoping to start working out and concentrating even more on good eating choices so yippee skippee and we are on our way!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Almost to the first FIVE...

I couldn't help myself and I weighed in this morning... 255.2! Woohoo; so in less than two weeks I have lost almost four pounds so I am hoping that by next Wednesday, my official weigh-in day, that I will have lost five pounds or more! I am totally pumped and it makes me happy :) The bloat is so much less my belly is adjusting to better eating and I just feel proud of myself... like losing it this last week and a half and doing it consciously has been better motivation for me than I have had in a long time. And then, with Biggest Loser starting up this Tuesday and having my keys to the clinic to work out in the gym, I am in a no lose situation- the only way I can fail is if I let myself... and I can't and won't do that!
I had my doctor's appointment and I was talking to my nurse practitioner- who I have been seeing since I started going to the gynocologist- and was telling her that I wanted to lose a good amount of weight before getting pregnant again and I was talking to her about it and it just made the endeavor seem more real. I told her I was hoping to be around 180 or 190 for the next pregnancy and she said that's a goal but even a 10% loss is a big step... that's 26 pounds which would put me around 235 which is about what I weighed in at when I found out I was preggars with the monster. I would love to be 235 right now but next spring, I want to at least be in Onederland, for sure. And I can't think entirely about that goal right now because that's a total of 60 pounds to lose just to get to that point and I am much more content with be happy over a 4 pound loss!
If I do the math, and I continue to lose two pounds a week and I have 14 weeks from here til our Holiday Party, that would put at 227- my word! I couldn't imagine being that weight right now but it would be a lot of fun and more than 30 pounds lighter! I get excited just thinking about it which must be the reason I have only been able to eat one serving at most and why I had some watermelon for snack tonight and not ice cream like I had originally thought would be a good idea. *sigh* It will not be the easiest road, that's for sure but I am already on it and headed in the right direction so who am I to complain!!!

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I. Have. Survived.

So, overall I think I have done pretty well the last week or so- even over the holiday weekend. I can especially tell because my portion sizes are getting smaller and I am getting fuller faster. This morning I weighed in- no, it is not Wednesday but I was nervous because my period is starting- and I was 257… down .6 from the last time I weighed in and down 2.2 pounds from last Wednesday, which, in my book is awesome considering it is that time of the month. I have had hardly any chocolate and I am okay with that. Last Thursday there was cake in the kitchen at work and I turned down a piece; today I was offered a chocolate chip cookie and I turned it down!!! AND I SURVIVED!!! J I am not eating seconds and I am surviving… I am not eating lots of bad things and I am surviving. YAY! And I can totally tell in my body; the bloat in my belly is diminishing and I am slowly feeling my energy coming back- s.l.o.w.l.y.
I have my annual gyno appointment today and I know I will weigh more than I did the last time I was there which was six weeks after giving birth to the monster but I am looking forward to the next time they weigh me being at least around 180 (this is if everything sticks to plan and I end up getting pregnant next spring). Ideally I would love to be around 160 then but given that I only have about 8 months or so- that is quite a short amount of time to lose 100 pounds! On the plus side, I also received my keys to the clinic closest to my home today and I am excited and hope to start coming here to work out at least a couple of times a week in the evening…. That’s my plan! So, it can’t hurt the weight loss, right?
Anyway, I am surviving, have started the losing process (again) and am feeling good about where I am at and stronger with every temptation I turn down!
