Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Yes, that's me... I have been missing in action go figure as today I am officially one week away from my first goal of being below 250 for my birthday. Let's just say I have had a rough couple of weeks have been lazy and my goal seems almost out of reach. On the bright side of things I weighed in at 256.4 this morning and I am on my period - where I usually weigh 3-4 pounds heavier - so I am hoping that estimate is right and that I have only about 3 pounds to lose between now and next Wednesday, fingers crossed.
I have been feeling better and pay A LOT more attention to when I am full so I have not been eating as big of portion sizes which also means I most definitely have not been going back for seconds and that is gratifying in itself. I remember from when I was in college that was how my weight loss started; I didn't eat as much. Sounds like simple math doesn't it :)
Aside from that, I don't really have too much to say but I did see this on a person's sparkpage while I was browsing around and I loved it so I will leave on this note:

Motivation for Weight Loss
M-make short term goals
O-out with the negative thoughts
T-think of why you want it
I-imagine how you will feel
V-visualize the future you
A-acknowledge your successes
T-treat yourself with respect
I-investigate new ideas and foods
O-observe your healthy lifestyle
N-never give up and never give in
S- support one another



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