Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


That is why I was posting yesterday morning... I knew there must have been a reason. Anyhoo- I say smooshed marshmallow because... we happen to have a good sized armoire/ wardrobe in our bedroom and it just so happens to have a full sized mirror on the door... and this piece of furniture is placed so that it is facing the end of the bed meaning if you happen to sit on the middle of the end of the bed you can get a nice full length view of yourself sitting on the bed... well, that's what happened to me Monday night and again last night... and that's why I say a smooshed marshmallow... I looked all fluffy and rolly and just- ICK! Not a pretty picture but definitely has increased my motivation to take better care of myself for sure. I have made my list of things I want to get done this weekend while the husband is working and this includes straightening up and sorting the boxes I have in the basement... then I am 'allowed' to set up my Gazelle down there where I plan on doing my workouts... oh yeah, and I have already figured out most of my first workout playlist so I need to download the songs and I should be good to go. Whew.

Now, if any of you are following along, Wednesday mornings happen to be my weigh-in day :clearing throat: I was excited about this morning since I was down a pound the other day... well no such luck this morning as I was up a pound but I am blaming it on that time of the month and water retention- I am bloated, like you needed to know that- so I am still most definitely looking forward to next week's weigh in. I have been eating well, this morning it was two granola bars, a salad with lite french dressing, some leftover homemade jumbalaya and a granny smith apple. Woohoo...

Tonight: Biggest Loser; special time 8 pm. Looking forward to it... even though I think this group has some of the whiniest most crybaby-ist people... just my opinion but come on... if anything my motivation would be that my fat ass is on national TV! Come on folks, let's kick it up a few notches!!! (by the way I realize I most certainly am not the biggest loser but that's probably why I don't have my fat ass on tv, so there)


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