I wasn't going to post this morning, or today for that matter, but I sitting here eating my yogurt and just felt like it... hmm, could it be because I have so much on my mind right now and don't feel like talking about it?!?!? I am sure I have said this before but when I am stressed I start losing my appetite... well, I am stressing hardcore, my stomach keeps turning and I think I am on the verge of panic attacks... no kidding. Not a healthy thing for sure and- at least in my case- all the more reason for me to get to exercising as that is one of the best stress relievers... and I know this is true cause I have used it before. I am not going to get in to what all is bothering me- remember, I don't feel like talking about it- but it is not only weighing me down (ironic), it's really messing with me now and I can't remember the last time I have felt like this- my heart is palpitating off and on, my hands get cold and start to shake, my stomach gets uneasy and I have been getting dizzy off and on- while I am just sitting in a chair, I am irritable, sensitive and on and on. This sucks my ass hard core. What I need is to win the lottery and then move into my compound somewhere in the mountains out west... doesn't that sound sweet???
Oh well, that's my little rant for the morning... I would love a drink right now but I suppose I ought to stick with my water and yogurt... ahh, such is life.
Oh well, that's my little rant for the morning... I would love a drink right now but I suppose I ought to stick with my water and yogurt... ahh, such is life.
At 2:52 PM,
Bex said…
I am sorry you are so stressed, hon. But I am SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU! Congrats on your loss! WOOT!
I wanna see pics of the little one soon :)
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