Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Holiday Recovery

So the end of my vacation is closing in... back to work tomorrow- yay! Um, seriously though, I just checked my work email and found out that my one main office is now officially taken over by the new HR manager, effective today- granted, I did clean out my office last week- but still, I am already going to be done a couple of weeks before my official end date, couldn't they have waited a couple more weeks? or am I being petty? Just another reason I guess that I am glad that I am leaving there... another reason among many!

On to the fun stuff, my weight... Remember last Wednesday I weighed in and I would not even say what my weight was... well, let's just say I have lost a couple pounds and today weighed in at a solid 252. BUT (notice it is a big but) I did get some exercise in over my vacation so Amen to that! I'll admit, I didn't eat perfect the whole time but I didn't eat awful either.

Hopefully there is no where to go but DOWN!!!


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