Losing and Finding My Way...

Monday, January 29, 2007

YAY for me!!!

Hmm... so the weekend went by okay. I really did put the scale into the closet but not before I weighed myself one more time... ahh, at least two of the scary pounds that had shown up were gone so Amen to that! Also, I worked out on Saturday morning... YES! It was the first thing I did that morning... I did 20 minutes on the exercise ball, and about 6 minutes on the treadmill and then took the puppy for a good walk outside... I felt so good, it was a nice way to start the day. Unfortunately I didn't get in any exercise yesterday as it was a crazy busy day and I haven't gotten any in yet today but that's because I have an interview this morning so I want to be all ready and try to get as much done before the baby wakes up... so I will probably do it when I get back home... will update when after I exercise!
Also, I am having my sister do my measurements so I have a better idea of what my body is doing and not doing... that should be interesting!


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