Today Could Be Tricky
Soo, on Fridays I usually work from home. Why? you ask; because my work is 60 miles from my home one-way and gas prices are out of this world! It is nice because one doesn't realize how much a two and a half hour (total) commute a day can drain a person... so, I work from home on Fridays.
Anyway. Working from home can make things difficult as far as eating goes but simpler in the way that I can usually fit in a good exercise (if I get my butt motivated, that is) just because I am home and then have the time. I haven't been too hungry this whole week but have been having cravings which has been a pain in my derierre... I have been wanting chocolate and ice cream in the worst ways and chocolate ice cream happens to be the best solution. Ironically, I grew up not having snack until 8 pm in the evening, well after dinner and now I do not usually eat until around 7 pm (please see above explanation of commute) and by then I am tired and ready to watch some TV but not hungry enough for ice cream... the ironic part (back to my point) is that I do happen to have some chocolate ice cream in the freezer that I haven't touched since either Sunday or Monday!
I am curious how this weekend will be for me eating... I am not too worried about it as I don't really foresee us eating out this weekend. I do have to go to the grocery store and I am hoping to make it to the orchard for some end of season fruit and corn- I just can't help myself as I love corn on the cob when it is in season, other than that I hardly ever eat it. I know we are planning on grilling some Kabobs and that would go well with my corn. I also need to remember while shopping to purchase yummy stuff for my snacks for next week cause if I don't do that it is a pretty sure sign that not only will I cheat but somewhere in there I will likey start falling off the wagon; and we can't have that as I would hate to have to confess it here. Ugh.
Anyhoo- here's to hoping it will be a great weekend all around; eating-wise and everything else!!!
Anyway. Working from home can make things difficult as far as eating goes but simpler in the way that I can usually fit in a good exercise (if I get my butt motivated, that is) just because I am home and then have the time. I haven't been too hungry this whole week but have been having cravings which has been a pain in my derierre... I have been wanting chocolate and ice cream in the worst ways and chocolate ice cream happens to be the best solution. Ironically, I grew up not having snack until 8 pm in the evening, well after dinner and now I do not usually eat until around 7 pm (please see above explanation of commute) and by then I am tired and ready to watch some TV but not hungry enough for ice cream... the ironic part (back to my point) is that I do happen to have some chocolate ice cream in the freezer that I haven't touched since either Sunday or Monday!
I am curious how this weekend will be for me eating... I am not too worried about it as I don't really foresee us eating out this weekend. I do have to go to the grocery store and I am hoping to make it to the orchard for some end of season fruit and corn- I just can't help myself as I love corn on the cob when it is in season, other than that I hardly ever eat it. I know we are planning on grilling some Kabobs and that would go well with my corn. I also need to remember while shopping to purchase yummy stuff for my snacks for next week cause if I don't do that it is a pretty sure sign that not only will I cheat but somewhere in there I will likey start falling off the wagon; and we can't have that as I would hate to have to confess it here. Ugh.
Anyhoo- here's to hoping it will be a great weekend all around; eating-wise and everything else!!!
At 7:10 AM,
Bex said…
You'll be great this weekend, you'll see!
Have a great day today and a wonderful weekend...and don't have too much fun working from home :)(ahhh, I love working from home!)
At 3:57 PM,
Allan said…
Corn is good. No butter, little salt, have a couple of them grilled. Very tasty and delish. Try some of these Sugar free chocolate Velamints. They were in the CVS, RiteAid and The Eckerd here in NY. Really tasty, just like a chocolate hershey kiss..
At 11:24 PM,
Bex said…
EW! i hate velamints. Blasphemous to mention delish corn and velamints in the same thought. Shame on you! ;)
At 3:18 PM,
Tiff said…
You guys are goofy... if velamints really do taste like hershey kisses there really no holding back... and Becky, I seem to recall reading something maybe a post or two ago about what sugar free candies can do to you!?!?
Have a great weekend!
At 1:06 PM,
Bex said…
OHHH! lol Yes they give me the runs! LOL
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