Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

New Stuff

I'd like to call your attention to a coupe of new links on the sidebar... first I added a few links to some other folks who are on their own weight loss journeys- consider it inspiration if you will;I also added a few tools that are helpful...

Speaking of, on of the tools happens to be the BMI calculator... So I calculated my current BMI and it is a whopping 32!!!! This puts me at the bottom of the obesity scale! Ugh. Obesity is a score of 30 or greater, overweight is a score of 25-29 and so on. Sooo, right now I am striving to just be overweight. Does that sound awful? The, kind of, silver lining is that at my starting weight my BMI was 37... so at least I have improved 5 points. Another 5 points from my current score and I will just be overweight!!!
On the same note, I also did the calorie calculator and it was no surprise when it told me that I should be eating 2000 calories in order to lose weight... I knew that because I had done the calculator on WebMD... presently I shoot for eating around 1600 calories and if I get up to 1800 calories that's okay with me. Ahh.

This is feeling like a never ending song sometimes. It's like I lose a few pounds and somewhere in the deep, dark depths of my brain I feel like I am allowed to have some type of reward and it is typically in the form of food; probably not the best approach if I am trying to lose weight. I know, shame on me. And this is even after I have developed a rewards list for myself. It doesn't matter right now anyway as I have no money to reward myself. Ugh.

I am starting to be able to picture myself thinner and "they" say a lot of it is mind over matter... so if I picture it, it will come (so to speak). We shall see... I did get in a good walk last night and am hoping to get in another at some point today or this evening.


  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger Bex said…

    Hi Tiff!
    You are doing a fantastic job, girly :) Look how far you've come! You will be in that "normal" BMI range in no time flat. I am so very happy for you, your progress & success.

  • At 10:48 AM, Blogger Robert W said…

    Great work on your diet. I would definitely take the BMI recommendations with a big grain of salt. If/when I hit 10% body fat I will have a BMI of 30, which is considered obese!

    Let the mirror be your ultimate guide. I know when I can see my abs I will have arrived.


  • At 10:11 PM, Blogger Kat said…

    Hey Tiff,
    Always nice to see a new face linking to my blog. The whole BMI thing is highly overated, I use it as a general guideline only, when the tummy is gone, I will be done worrying about what I weigh. You are doing great, just keep it up.


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