Losing and Finding My Way...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Quick Update!!!

Oh my... so I am realizing that I am missing the weight loss journey, does that make sense? I don't know if it is just one of those things that you miss it because you can't do it or if my resolve is actually there and I just can't take advantage of it right now... either way, the baby is due in two and a half weeks and after he arrives and I am able to do so, I am getting back into things hard core. I think part of my motivation is going into my doctor's appointments and seeing my weight inch up more and more and now weighing more than I ever have in my entire life!!! YES! I realize I am carrying a baby- and to top it off, it seems like most of the weight I have gained has been in my belly so hopefully a lot of it will drop off when the baby comes- but it is still disconcerting to say the least.

I am missing the weigh loss camaderie and the accomplishment of taking pounds off or dropping to a lower pant size... that's another thing, my clothes don't fit me anymore- do you know how weird that is?!?!

Oh well, I must say I am excited about the baby's arrival and cannot believe it is almost here... where has the time gone??? I guess when little man arrives, I will be making sure he and I get out with the stroller as often as possible!!!


  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Bex said…

    I know you cant be 41 weeks pregnant...UPDATE PLEASE!!!!!!!

  • At 6:54 AM, Blogger Twisted Cinderella said…

    Congrats on the upcoming baby. you will be enjoying the weightloss comraderie and your new little baby before you know it!


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