Losing and Finding My Way...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time Must Fly...

When you're having fun!!! (or something like that)

So, I had my big ultrasound last Monday, the 13th, and we found out that the baby is healthy and growing right on schedule... AND it's a boy!!! So we can now call the little one little Trevor instead of 'it'!!! LOL It was definitely one of the neatest experiences of my life... he was curled up into a little ball sleeping, I guess, when the u/s first started and then he woke up and started moving around. At first, the tech couldn't tell what it was because he was straddling the umbilical cord- go figure, my kid no doubt! But he finally moved off of it and the tech showed us his little man parts...I was glad because now I have a big brother for any other little ones I have...
Brad, on the other hand, was a little disappointed not to get his little girl but was getting over when he decided he would share his middle name- hee hee. Now he is talking about everything he is going to do with the baby by the time he is 2 or 3... oh my!?!?!

In other news, we moved into our house this past weekend. I love it and am not missing our apartment in the least... okay, well a little bit for the simple fact that things were in place in the apartment and now there is still so many things strewn about willy nilly that it is going to drive me crazy... and for who knows how long until I am able to buy the furniture we need to put some of it away. Oh well. I am giving it a couple of weeks and hopefully by then I will feel a bit more adjusted!!!

I will post baby's first pic when I get a chance!!!


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