Losing and Finding My Way...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Confidence & Acknowledgement

Hmm, those are two things that make being at this weight an entirely different story from when I was around this weight when I first went to college. The highest I weighed myself at that time (8 years ago, oh my) was 256 but I know it got higher before it eventually went down. But through high school my weight increased to its highest because I did not acknowledge- I mean really acknowledge- that I was fat, eating unhealthy, and that it wasn't going to go away by itself or magically or whatever. This time, although I am at this weight for entirely different reasons, or at least weighing this much, I acknowledge the fact that I did not get here by healthy means, it is not a healthy weight, my eating and activity levels are not healthy, and it.will. not. go. away. by. itself. The other difference is confidence- I am a confident woman which is a positive and a negative; I'll explain: I am confident therefore my weight does not stop me from doing what I want to do, I have high self esteem (so where is my motivation going to come from); on the other hand I also have confidence in myself that I will beat this fat demon! So there you have it, my lightbulb thought for the day!


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